Today's homily by Pope Benedict recalls some of what was intended to be the last homily of John Paul II on the 3rd of April 2005 (Osservatore Romano had already published it).
From Corriere:
All'umanità che talora sembra smarrita e dominata dal potere del male, dell'egoismo e della paura il Signore risorto offre in dono il suo amore che perdona, riconcilia e apre l'animo alla speranza: è amore che converte i cuori e dona la pace.
Which I would render with:
To the humanity that sometimes seems lost and controlled by the power of evil, selfishness and fear, the resurrected Lord offers his love as a gift that forgives, reconciles, opens the soul to hope: love that converts the hearts and give peace.
From Repubblica:
Quanto bisogno ha il mondo di comprendere e di accogliere la Divina misericordia
Rendered with:
Indeed the world needs to understand and welcome the Divine mercy.